
Posts Tagged ‘writers’

The Terrific Uses of A Tree

In Uncategorized on May 12, 2011 at 11:09 pm

Planted by crops to produce fruit,
Nourishing our bodies with Gods’ vitamins,
Oranges in the richest hue to peel,
Juice drips down the chin’s of children,
Apple pies baked during holidays,
The finest harvest from our tree’s,
Produced for paper and furniture,
Homes built to share family memories,
Students write on pages with their studies,
Books we cherish are printed at the press,
The multiple  and necessary use of the tree,
Take today to reflect on why it was created.

One poem for the International Biological Diversity Day coming up on May 22nd.(ecological uses on another poem)

I plan on tagging my other tree poems with that day.

The Four on Friday 13th

In Uncategorized on May 12, 2011 at 5:03 pm

On Friday the four will align in our universe,

Gods’ galaxy in his hand’s to move four planets.


Venus it it’s hues of bright oranges and yellows,

Resembling a flaming orb of fire,

It is the second brightest object in the sky besides the Moon.

Mars joins this group in ally with the other three,

This planet abounds with discoveries by man,

The seventh largest planet and fourth one from the sun.

Mercury then co-operates and decides to partake,

This planet is the smallest one in our galaxy,

It is considered a planet of orbit eccentricity.

Jupiter then becomes a part of this planet party,

It is the largest planet in our solar system,

One of the four Juvian planets along with Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

The Artistry of Expressive Modern Dance

In Uncategorized on May 11, 2011 at 7:51 pm

modern dance
Myspace Graphics

Their bodies vibrate in full expression,

A soulful rhythm of movements,

Ignited entirely by their inner being,

Dancing from their cores as a moving illustration.

The founding mother of modern dance, Martha Graham, reminds us that our bodies can express our emotions, thoughts, pains, longings or desires. 

Contorting flesh into a visual symphony,

Twisting and shaping themselves with passionate sentiments,

Enchanting viewers to share their personal experiences,

Embracing the journey of their artistry with other souls.

Transforming feelings into an artistic visual form to explore,discover and creatively express freely. 


Inspired by Martha Graham on Google doodle today. I found myself drawn to learn more about this type of modern dance either as a spectator to share their lives, or even partake for internal health and physical exercise. 

Our Own Trees of Life

In Uncategorized on May 11, 2011 at 7:38 pm

Fantasy Myspace Comments

Many of us have a story similar to Jack,

Questioning our destined paternal heritages,

Searching for ourselves along the branches,

Traveling through our growth as green as those leaves,

Blossoms burst colors luring us to challenge our faith in God.

We can either sample God with the smallest nibble of  interest,

Deny he exists entirely, 


 Digest his entire wholeness like the fruit that appears on some trees. 

The smallest seedling planted becomes that tree,

Flourishing in extravagant height and beauty to view,

Endless discoveries extend themselves on arms from the trunk,

Multiple roots sprout underground reminding us we are not alone.

Jacks’ parental quest and journey of faith is only a reminder of what many of us have either endured or are enduring. 


A poetical ode to the movie The Tree of Life in the Cannes Film Festival.

I thought the picture perfect, a fairy on a limb of a tree reflecting..that is the description of the picture..reflection.

The Essence of Eccentric Ectasy

In Uncategorized on May 10, 2011 at 5:15 pm

Dance Tango
Myspace Graphics

Raptured in an eccentric embrace,

Inhaling scents of their valued rarity,

Distinctive souls so scarce,

Perfumed in an essence of the unusual,

Enveloped in a mystique quality type of fume,

Invigorating creative and inspiring minds,

A performance of a passionate soul,

Flaming torch’s of a fascinating flair,

Anointing us all with exotic entertainment and company.

Dedicated to a story told to me by a friend of an eccentric senior neighbor full of life who runs around the apartment building anointing others with oil, dancing some sort of tango and is Spanish. ( I could see myself friends with this lady, sounds so much like me) 

God bless all of us who embrace our eccentric, intense and unusual but loving spirits to share with mankind. 

Delightful Dandelions

In Uncategorized on May 10, 2011 at 5:05 pm

Free Graphics
Dandelion Image & Dandelion Graphics

Dandelions bursting in a vibrant hue,

Emerging from emerald strands of grass,

Fertile flowers created by Gods’ hands,

Tiny orbs colored like the blazing sun.

Spring decorates lawns in elegant bulbs of the brightest yellow.

Transforming into fruitful seeds that blow in the wind,

Carried in the breeze too plant themselves elsewhere,

Children laughing while plucking them to give as gifts,

Lips puckered up with our breath to the seedlings too scatter and float in the air.

Dandelions are one of Gods’ most fertile flowers. Society deems them as a nuisance or a weed. Why not view them from the eyes of children or God?

*please note to gardeners that pesticides cause brain cancer, and if you can not view them as flowers as God has made then to pull them out or use natural. You can compost them, use them in crafts, and you can use them to cook with.

Jupiter and Venus

In Uncategorized on May 9, 2011 at 10:59 pm

Luminous Venus glowing in our universe,

Jupiter just as radiant in space,

Mysterious qualities surround these two spheres,

Intriguing their audience to the unknown.

On May 11th, both planets will only be apart by one degree. Closest these two planets will be to each other until 2014.

Artisans choose the canvas of  expression for this event,

Capturing both orbs in their visions to share,

Entertaining and informing their audience, fans or followers,

To share their common interest of Gods’ vast universal creations.

Seven Weeks of Miraculous Strength

In free verse on May 9, 2011 at 8:02 pm

Seven weeks lost in a Nevada wilderness,
Courage and stamina and a miracle of God,
The greatest survival instincts and techniques coursing through her blood,
Taming her flesh of hunger by rationing her food to live,
Family, friends and strangers kept a vigil of hope,
The world is watching her in wonderment and awe.


May God bless Rita Chretien into a speedy recovery, and for her to too write her story for us one day to read. 


Mondays’ Dirty Dish

In free verse on May 9, 2011 at 4:10 pm

Scavenging for chewy gossip morsels,

Devouring the newest of rumors,

Trampling their remaining private lives,

Idolizing idols over valuable and knowledge seeking,

Disengaged of intellectual searching,

Oblivious to dominating world concerns,

Ecological or political neglect for celebrities,

Artistic seekers buried in the dust,

Fascinating passions rarely sought.


Todays current dish:

Kelly Preston

Jodie Foster

Marg Helgenberger 

Chaz Bono

Stay tuned for the dirty dish tomorrow! I’m thrilled to serve you such a fulfilling post!

Yahoo Idol Trends

In free verse on May 9, 2011 at 12:34 am

Scavenging for chewy gossip morsels,

Devouring the newest of rumors,

Trampling their remaining private lives,

Idolizing idols over valuable and knowledge seeking,

Disengaged of intellectual searching,

Oblivious to dominating world concerns,

Ecological or political neglect for celebrities,

Artistic seekers buried in the dust,

Fascinating passions rarely sought.


Todays current dish:

Tina Fey 

Mel Gibson 

Kate Hudson 

Anthony Hopkins 

Ellie Goulding 

Stay tuned for the dirty dish tomorrow! I’m thrilled to serve you such a fulfilling post!